Tuesday, August 19, 2008

new phone... new service

my Cingular 8525 almost died today. It has been sick for several weeks now and is on it's last mili-amp. So, I knew the time had come to get a new phone. Again. However, for many reasons, I decided that I hated AT&T and wanted to go to Verizon. The biggest reason for leaving AT&T was the fact that they use a technology that interferes with audio equipment in a very bad way. Being that I'm in production techinical, that means it effects my job in a negitive way. can't have that. so... bye bye AT&T. Burn. ooo.... yea... I like fire. :) (I really need to go to bed)

So... off to the Verizon store to buy the Samsung i760. Despite my desire to hold off for a few more months because of hope for newer and better phones yet to be released, I had no time. My current phone/service was hindering me from doing my job and I can't have that.


Further reviews to come....

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