Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Target vs Publix

So... I strongly dislike grocery shopping. I'm not good at it. I don't like dealing with parking. Don't like pushing a buggy around. I don't like dealing with people... going around them, waiting for them, having them cut in front of me while looking at the shelf... it's not any one element that I can't handle. It's the whole package. Then... There's the check out. ALWAYS packed. You would think companies would figure out faster ways to take our money.

So, most of these issues are dealt with by shopping at Target. While it's a much smaller grocery store, there are less people and things are quieter. There's less to chose from. Which can be a good thing. Who would have known that there are 10 million different kinds of cheeses at a grocery store? Brands, styles, types, sizes... options, options, options. I love options. But sometimes, there are just too many!

Then there is publix. PEOPLE PEOPLE PEOPLE! EVERYWHERE! They need to have lanes for all the people and buggies like they do for cars! They are everywhere! It's nuts! Loud! Slow... chaos! You can't get anywhere without saying "excuse me!" But, the good thing is they have WAY more stuff. I even found the new cookie 'n cream pop tarts! I'm really excited about that... Then. The dreaded checkout. Totally packed with people and full buggies! There's just no end. So, there I stand... bored. Running my phone battery down trying to find something to do.

Ok. Those are my thoughts of the day. Have fun shopping!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Quest to Serve

So... I like to help people. That's the main part of the mission statement for my life. When I lived in Mobile, it was easy to find someone to help. There always seemed to be need somewhere. For me, it was church, the school, the youth group, the college group, fire dept and other friends. There were always things for me to do to improve things.

I have moved to a new environment. The needs are different. I have to find new ways to serve. I knew this before I moved but I didn't know it would be like this. I have been here for almost 2 years and I still don't have it figured out. I never knew that helping people could be so hard.

I live in one of the richest areas in the world. People don't need the things I used to do in mobile. I work at a church with a 13 million dollar operational budget, 4,000-6,000 people and most people already have a developed circle of friends that can help them if they need help.

So, I try to volunteer with other ministries doing tech. (after all, God wants me to do tech right?) The problem I'm running into was either the ministry doesn't need/want my help(that's what having 4000 people is good for) or I was too helpful. (that's new for me)

So, my quest continues... Where do I go to serve others using my skill set of tech? Is that what I'm supposed to do right now? Perhaps this is the part of the show where I change my life mission statement? (I doubt it, but I must consider the question)