April 3rd, 2007, I left my home town, Mobile, AL. I left family, friends, church, youth group, fire dept, work.... everything I
It was by far the hardest day of my life. Halfway to Atlanta, GA I almost took the next exit to turn around and go back home. To this day, I honestly don't know what kept me from doing that. I had spent that morning saying goodbye to all my closest family and friends. So I couldn't help but think about them. The further away I got, the harder it became. As I got into Atlanta and started navigating the roads and crazy traffic, I got distracted long enough to get into Gwenette County. (where I live) As I got there, I saw 2 tall water towers with the slogan "Success Lives Here" It wasn't much help at that point, but as time went by, I began to see how true that is. The short of it is, if I had not let go of everything in Mobile, I would not be anywhere where I wanted to be.
I want to be in production technical. It is what God has called me to do. (actually, many do not know this, but at one point, I really wanted to be in a band... mainly a praise and worship band) I want to learn everything I can about audio, lighting, video, camera ops, rigging, recording, set design, the politics, business, electricity, computer stuff, system design and installation, and anything else I can stuff into my brain. Why? I don't know the exact, long-term plan. I just know that's what God wants me to do right now.
April 4th, 2007 - I started out knowing almost nothing. I was lost, confused, didn't know people, hardly knew where I was, (I still have a hard time sometimes) and I was overwhelmed. Now, I know some things... I'm not as confused, I know people, and I .. well... I'm still lost. Ok, so the point of all that was... I'm learning. I don't know what the average speed for learning is, but I feel like I'm learning at the fastest pace I have ever learned before. (if that makes any sense)
I started out being more of a burden than a help. I had to be taught a lot of things. I have had lots of white board time with Steve and Matt...
Eventually, I learned enough to actually be a part of the solution rather than a hindrance. I still don't know much. I still have a LONG way to go. But I am now at a point where I can make a difference.
What's next? Pretty much most of the same stuff. Learn and apply. I am getting involved in the young adult ministry here (aka - The Gathering) as volunteer tech director. My job there is recruiting volunteers (yay for awesome people skills) setting up tech, and running tech for each of the Sunday night services that they have. We have just moved into a larger auditorium and the size and scope for this event has really expanded... Basically, this is a way for me to apply what I learn during the week in real world environments. (I have posted pictures of this event on my facebook for those who are interested)
In other news, I will be coming into Mobile for a few days for each of the Camp of Champions in June and July. (yet another way I will applying my new knowledge)
That's about it... keep in touch, feel free to email me whenever... I love you all!
Ashley Lane
ronaldashleylanejr@gmail.com - Personal address
ashleyl@perimeter.org - Perimeter address
678-325-9391 - Cell
678-405-2135 - Desk