Wednesday, July 4, 2007


For those who don't know... CoCMS07 means - Camp of Champions Mississippi 2007

There is also a CoCTX07 that I'll also be participating in. Guess what that means...

CoCMS07 was great! I worked with Scott Sweeny in sound and video tech. The sad thing was Scott had to leave on Tuesday morning. The camp lasts till Friday. Fortunately, nothing terribly crazy happened while he was gone. It did get hairy wed night, but we made it. Friday was cleanup day. That was hard. We had equipment from 6 different people that had to be sorted and put back in it's proper place. We also got to use a technology that's new to us. (it's been around for awhile, we're just now getting it) In-Ear-Monitors! Wireless! They were great! While it was kinda hard to get some of the people used to it, once they did, the sound quality for the whole building skyrocketed! It was AWESOME. DB levels went down by5-7.

I then came back to Mobile to hang out with fam and friends. And also to help Grant hook their sound system back up with the new monitor systems! Hook up began at 1pm saturday and we were 100% finished around 7. Main speakers eq'd and everything. DB levals PEAKED at 101! That is the quietest IMPACT meeting EVER!

I'm looking forward to CoCTX07 and I will be bringing lots of gear from various places once again.

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