Halo 3 has been released. And even tho I do not own a Xbox 360, I now own Halo 3. How dumb is that? Hopefully, I can find a cheap enough Xbox 360, that I can justify it's cost.
Anyways... here is my report of the game... keep in mind, I had 7 other people CONSTANTLY shooting me and NEVER giving me a chance to "just play around" and I did not know the maps or how to use the new (and mostly stupid) interface.
The maps are nice. There is one map where I never could get where I wanted to be. But all the others seem to be really cool. There is no Turf like map. This saddens me greatly.
However, there is another map that has some similarities (can't remember the name) so, I guess I can deal with this trade off.
There's another version of "hang 'em high" but it's harder, and a lot cooler looking (a lot better than the "Blue" version)(I get tired of blue)(But I do like red)
There is a version very similar to "Zanzibar" It's a little harder, but nicer looking. The camo is MUCH harder to get (not too happy about this since this we a key part of most of my strategies with this map)
There is this one desert map that is the BOMB. Excellent sniper level, good med range combat and awesome for vehicular MANSLAUGHTER (just for you okra). It's kinda hard for the short range stuff even tho there are a few spots for that sort of thing. (Josh, I'm sorry, but you'll hate this one) It's also very big. Which makes me happy.
Weapons. You may have even skipped my map description just to hear about the weapons. (I would have)
The weapons are better balanced in this version (or maybe I haven't played with any one weapon long enough to discover it's true potential)
The pistol SUCKS. I didn't play with it much, but I quickly discovered it had a VERY slow rate of fire. Perhaps it's fairly powerful... i don't know, but I died trying to shoot it 'cause it took so long between shots.
The battle rifle is still there, but seems to be weaker... not really sure tho.
The sniper rifle is the same. :)
EVERY time (and i mean EVERY FREAKING TIME) I picked up the rocket launcher, I DIED. EVERY STINKIN TIME!!!!!!! so I don't know if it's cool or not. :(
The shot gun is not as good, but I could tell the finer points of it 'cause of my limited time using it.
The needler may be the ultimate short to med range weapon in this game. It has a small magazine. But if you can keep the reticle on your target (and it be red) then the needles WILL track your target and he (or she) are SCREWED. It is a VERY good weapon and should be picked up every time possible. Even to replace the shotgun or carbine (another one of my favs)
The assault rifle is back! And it's better! Better accuracy, more steady, longer effective range, tighter shot, but smaller clip... by 28 rounds. (So it has a 32 round clip) I might prefer this weapon over a shot gun 'cause of it's flexibility.
There is a submachine gun, but like halo 2, it sucks. and that's all I'll say about this weapon, other than you'll never see me wielding it unless that's all I truly have.
There is now a "Spartan Laser" It's basically a power laser gun. You charge for 3 secs of so (better be good at tracking your targets) and then it releases a DEVASTATING blast (it's not an area blast, very precise) It WILL destroy your target in one shot. I'm not sure of it's effect on vehicles, but I imagine it's not good....
There is also a "Brute Spiker" I'm not sure what the advantage of having this weapon is. But it does have a high rate of fire, fairly accurate, short effective range, and it can be dual wield. (which does come handy) It shoots these laser like "things." very small, not very powerful individually, but when shot in rapid fire (and dual wield) it's a fairly effective weapon for a room take down.
Missile Pod - Basically, a rocket launcher with an auto-heat seeking missile that tracks vehicles while manned. I didn't get to use this weapon, but saw other players use effectively (against me)
Turrets - Some turrets can now be dismounted and taken around the map. You walk slower and can't throw grenades, but you gain the ability to kick but with a rapid fire, high power machine gun while moving with it. :) it's cool, but hard to master. If you could master this weapon, you will be VERY hard to beat.
Grenades... are, in my opinion... better. However, everyone else that I played with could figure them out. They didn't like them. They are not as destructive, and the area of effect is a lot less. I like them better 'cause they are more realistic. the Blast... not clear an entire area like a nuke. I used only frags and a new type called - Spike grenades. The "Spikes" are just like regular frags, except, they don't bounce... they spike (or stick) Highly effective as a defensive weapon (running while being chased closely)
Halo has now incorporated "equipment." This equipment will be hard to master. But really cool. The best one is the "bubble shield" You throw it at the ground at your feet and it becomes your own personal fortress for a few seconds (don't know how long.) however, you cannot shoot (or throw grenades) from within the bubble. But nobody can shoot or throw into the bubble. But they can come in (or out) of the bubble to melee attack.
There are other pieces of equipment, but never had the chance to figure everything out properly. The manual say there are trip mines (which I wish I knew about before the game) and gravity lifts.
Vehicles - are cool.
The only vehicle that I used that was new to me was the "Mongoose" or small ATV. It does not shoot, but carries 2 people and moves VERY fast and is HIGHLY maneuverable. There are other vehicles, but I can't describe them at this time.
Interface. in a single phrase... IT SUCKS!!!!!! It took us a VERY long time to figure out how to create profiles (which isn't really worth the time) sign in, sign out, create games, hosting games, joining games, and even setting controls is VERY HARD!!!!!! YOU CANNOT SET CONTROLS WITHIN GAME PLAY WITHOUT TAKING UP THE WHOLE SCREEN!!!!!! whoever did not keep what was so great in halo 2 (interface wise) needs to be shot in the knee, buried in HOT sand (only head sticking out of the ground) and honey poured onto his (or her) head and then have ants come and get the honey. Or bees. Or a bear. Or... maybe they could just keep the old interface. Anyways... IT'S really stupid and it sucks. I have no positive words for the interface. it doesn't even look cool. or smell cool. or feel cool. or sound cool. BTW, have I mentioned, I hate the interface?
They also changed a few of the default controls. which, isn't bad... just different. They had to allow fo the use of "equipment" and moved the reload button (which will mess with your mind as usual marshal)
I'm sure I left out a few things, but it's almost 2:30am and I must go to bed. So.... have a good night halo fans!